
The Kid, Fresno, 1974


Shiloh, 1973

(Top l-r) Fast Frank, Weasel, The Kid, Satan (Bottom) Sleaze, Dennis  WLMCSJ 1975

Don Lundberg and Weasel



Satan, Kidd, Bear  Birthday Party 1977

Rocky, Dennis, Weasel, Matt and friends

Shiloh 1976

(Top) Matt, Lucas, Drew (Bottom) Ben, Kidd, Dennis     WLMCSJ 1977

Lucas with Phil and Don of the Highwaymen MC, Sonoma

Santa with some of his Elves, Hospital Ride

(Top) Bear, Weasel, Kidd (Bottom) Matt, Rocky, Satan, Dennis  WLMCSJ 1978

Ron Roloff

Kidd and Shiloh 1978

WLMCSJ New Year's Party 1975

Satan & Kidd on the Road

Variant of Earlier Shot . . .  Weasel has everyone's attention

Matt and his Scoot

Lucas and his Scoot

Matt and Fast Frank at a Bike Show